• LL.B ​ (Melbourne)

    • Commercial Law

    • Insurance Law & Professional Negligence Law

    • Corporations Law & Securities Law

    • Investments

    • Partnership Disputes

    • ASIC Investigations

    • Directors' Liabilities

    • Shareholder Disputes

    • Managed Investment Schemes

    • Bankruptcy Law & Insolvency Law

    • Corporate Insolvency

    • Public Examinations

    • Reconstruction

    • Competition Law & Consumer Law

    • Consumer Protections

    • Restraint of Trade

    • Trade Practices

    • Banking & Finance

    • Mortgages

    • Guarantees

    • Mistaken / Fraudulent Transactions

    • Complex Transactions

    • Contractual Disputes

    • Superannuation

    • Trustees

    • Property & Probate

    • Land Acquisition

    • Caveats

    • Mortgage Law

    • Joint Ventures

    • Leases

    • Trusts

    • Civil Procedure Law

    • Class Actions

    • Appellate

    • Civil Appeals

    • Equity & Trusts

    • Real Property

    • Public Law & Administrative Law

    • Judicial Review

    • Technology Law & Media Law

    • Information Technical (IT) & Computing

    • Innovation & Technology Committee (Former Chair) 

    • Commercial Bar Association - Insolvency Law Section (Former Chair)

Garry Bigmore KC

Secretary: Jane Francis +61 3 9225 6075
Email: garry@bigmore.com.au
Fax: +61 3 8677 2853
Clerk: Young's List



Garry Bigmore was articled to the Deputy Commonwealth Crown Solicitor, admitted in 1973, joined a small CBD firm in 1976, spent the eighties as a solicitor in sole practice and merged with J. M. Smith & Emmerton in 1990.

Appointed Queen's Counsel (now King’s Counsel) in 1994 (the first solicitor to be so appointed since the establishment of the Victorian Bar) and called to the Bar in March 1998. ​ 

Founding member of the Insolvency & Reconstruction Law Committee of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. ​ Reviewing Editor (from inception to 2020) of LexisNexis' Bankruptcy Law & Practice​ 

Inaugural Chairman of Young's List. 

Listed in Doyle's Guide as a Leading Insolvency & Restructuring barrister. ​ 


Admitted to the Legal Profession

03 Dec 1973 ​ 

Signed Victorian Bar Roll

02 Mar 1998 ​ 

Appointed Silk

29 Nov 1994 ​ ​


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.