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    • Alternative Dispute Resolution

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    • Banking & Finance

    • Bankruptcy Law & Insolvency Law

    • Commercial Law

    • Competition Law & Consumer Law

    • Corporations Law

    • Equity & Trusts Law

    • Property Law

    • Supreme Court - Corporations & Commercial Court Users' Group

Michael Galvin KC

Telephone: +61 3 9225 8235
: Jane Francis +61 3 9225 6075
Email: galvin@vicbar.com.au
Fax: +61 3 9670 5756
Clerk: Greens List



Michael Galvin, from the date of his admission in 1989 until commencing the Readers' Course earlier in 1999, worked with Gadens Lawyers, formerly J M Smith & Emmerton. He became an associate in 1991 and then a partner in 1994. He conducted an extensive insolvency practice as a solicitor for ten years advising liquidators, receivers, voluntary administrators, company directors, debtors, creditors, trustees and the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia. He appeared in a variety of proceedings as a solicitor advocate including commercial hearings and trials in the Magistrates', County, Supreme and Federal Courts and public examinations under the Corporations Law and Bankruptcy Act. Michael is co-author of the recently published Butterworths looseleaf service "Bankruptcy Law and Practice".


Admitted to the Legal Profession: 

31 Jul 1989


Signed Victorian Bar Roll:

27 May 1999


Appointed Silk:

26 November 2014


Nationally accredited mediator:

05 Feb 2014


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.