• Banking & Finance

    • Bankruptcy Law & Insolvency Law

    • Building Law & Construction Law

    • Commercial Law

    • Competition Law & Consumer Law

    • Corporations Law & Securities Law

    • Family Law

    • Industrial Relations Law & Employment Law

    • Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions

    • Public Law & Administrative Law

Rhiannon Malone

Telephone: (+61) 3 9225 7051
Mobile: 0481 502 070
Email: rhiannon.malone@vicbar.com.au
Clerk: Greens List


Rhiannon has a broad commercial practice, with significant experience across corporate and personal insolvency matters, contractual disputes and proceedings under the Australian Consumer Law .  

She also maintains a strong practice in general Corporations Law matters, including oppression claims and director and shareholder disputes.  She has acted for liquidators/trustees in bankruptcy, listed Australian companies, state government departments, directors and shareholders, across commercial and contractual disputes, liquidations and voluntary administrations.

Rhiannon accepts briefs to advise and appear across all state and Commonwealth courts and tribunals.

Rhiannon has significant experience advising and appearing in:

·         Contract disputes (including restraint of trade)

·         Partnership, director and shareholder disputes (including oppression claims)

·         Corporate and personal insolvency (including statutory demands and wind-ups)

·         Consumer protection and trade practices, including misleading and deceptive conduct proceedings


Rhiannon routinely advises liquidators and trustees in bankruptcy in respect of voidable transactions, preference claims, breach of directors duties and claw-back provisions.  She has also advised liquidators and trustees in family law proceedings involving complex family trusts structures with high net worth. She has advised in transnational property disputes, including the recovery of internationally located assets and cross-jurisdictional bankruptcy proceedings.

Rhiannon's broad experience provides for a comprehensive and thorough approach to matters, ensuring her clients feel guided and informed throughout the litigious process with a view to reaching a pragmatic and cost-effective commercial resolution. 

Prior to coming to the Bar, Rhiannon worked as a solicitor in private practice in commercial litigation and insolvency/restructuring in a highly regarded mid-tier firm and boutique city firm. 

Rhiannon also worked as a Supreme Court Associate to Her Honour Associate Justice Lansdowne, gaining extensive experience with respect to interlocutory applications and trials.

Rhiannon read with Chris Brown SC and her senior mentor was Sam Hay KC.

Date of Admission: 

17 Apr 2012

First Signed Bar Roll: 

22 Oct 2020

To discuss Rhiannon's availability or for more information, please contact the Clerks at Greens List on +61 3 9225 7222.